Tantric Sex - Absolute Body Health and Expression

"The person is like a parabolic antenna to the sky and where the central nucleus is what we identify as sexual parts, an energetic reproductive site."

General practitioner, psychologist, sexologist, Meditator;
Science and Spirituality;

I have spent many years researching the relationship of the human being with the spiritual and began to analyze from the scientific point and one begins to discover surprising things.
There will come a great "clean" that will leave only those who may have felt what the relationship with the Energy means to be better in life.

The Energy is absolutely linked to the human being through its sexual organs, it is the transmitting and receiving antenna of that Energy and it is intertwined to the whole body with what we call sensitive points. The person is like a parabolic antenna to the sky and where the central nucleus is what we identify as sexual parts, an energetic reproductive site.
It is important to know how the organism works and technologically we can compare it with a computer. The operation of a computer is formed by the incorporation of driving patterns that I think are called drivers or sets of drivers that are called softwear. That is what regulates and gives you the way to solve what you entrust to a computer.

The body when it develops is generating those driving patterns. You breathe, you have tickles, you learn not to urinate on them, you do digestion, you create antibodies of defense against microbes, etc., that is, the body works intelligently and educates itself to the needs.

Everything works based on an energy that is generated and that has a lot to do with the excitement. The sexologists, who learn and know the results, only know that sex is fundamental for the quality of life, but they do not explain how or why, they only know how to enjoy sex and do it with continuity without saying what are the essential parts of sex .
It is easy to say sex but that word contains many things and everything happens around the excitement and the climax and not of the sex itself. The energetic need that the little body has is the excitement and we are talking about a common person, not a spiritual energetic theme. The energy of excitement is what harmonizes the whole body, making it produce defense antibodies to diseases, everything works properly, better digestion, better oxygenation of the lungs, better vision, greater vitality and many things that would be extensive to name.
But the point is there. Women who lose their sensitive points (By alternating sexual partners in growth stage) just lose the possibility of excitement at the right time or are slower to achieve the exciting point and nothing has yet to do with orgasm, we are in an essential point that is the excitement.
The woman feels that she gets very wet and even loses control, that is, what should happen in a woman, but it should not happen while she is finishing forming (adolescence) and even less with different skins because that produces precisely this consequence of losing the sensitive points and therefore the excitation at the right moments.
It must be taken into account that there is hardly any penetration of the penis into the vagina door, so also with a finger or with any element placed there and without any previous preparation, there is already an excitement, a great feeling of pleasure, or that if a husband touches you maybe just his back is already a light excitement.
When having a quick excitement and loss of control is the most natural reaction that must exist and precisely for that reason is that the woman must respond to one man. Your compatible man.
There is never any discomfort to that lack of control, it is like breathing deep the oxygenated air on the top of a Montana. It is only discovered when it is felt.

The interesting thing about all this is that according to my studies the woman can recover the lost points and this is all based on the EDUCATION that should be given to the little body. So simple: the body has to be educated and by a natural fact can return to retake many lost skills through concentration, the power of the mind. It's like caring for a cut on the skin, if you take care of the wound closed, but every day you have to change the bandage, cream, pay attention and see that this way even a wound can be almost imperceptible.
The little body acts on the basis of the education that the person gives you and many vices are taken when the education occurs in the moments of development that is where those bad habits take root more easily.
If we talk to a woman who lost her sensitive points and we ask her what she feels if people touch her, the answer will be discomfort, annoyance.
If we ask an intelligent woman who has all her sensitive points, she will like me, but I prefer my husband or boyfriend and then we ask her intimately; Why? and he will answer because he excites me and I do not want to excite myself with whom I do not know.
And if we ask a woman who has all her sensitive points but is not intelligent, she will respond to how much she likes when they touch her and how good she feels.
It is necessary to educate the body so that it begins to feel what it must at the right time. Apply intelligence for what is necessary.

The concentration: knowing how to get away from all the noise and what surrounds you to focus on the excitement.
Why insist so much on the excitement?
Well, there is the basis of everything.

It is one of the natural conditions that gave that Great Energy to the human being to be protected, to have his body balanced and to create positivity and the other great condition is the intelligence to know how to apply to every little thing.
Protected from what?
Of virus, of diseases, of microbes, then fatigue disappears, optimism rises, digestion is better, vision improves, every organism's work is better assimilated and, fundamentally, that youthful state where the skin stays moisturized delaying the possibility of wrinkles, that internal work of the body that we never see or worry about but when it is well regulated there is personal harmony.
You sometimes think it's okay because you do not know how good you are when the body enters into an absolute harmony.
To be in the Spiritual Energetic ways you have to be very intelligent, know very well what it is about and the route you must follow.

From my side I see the spirituality from the scientific and I can perhaps have a very true analysis because I relate the results.
There are three essential reasons that are the excitement, the orgasm and the trance.
Under no aspect can any of these steps be seen as impure sex but as natural beauty.
The excitement is to achieve the harmony of the body, but complete harmony from your senses such as the sight of smell, etc., through the functioning of the organs and defenses to diseases. It is not the harmony of yoga or gymnastics, it is an absolute harmony.
Orgasm is the maximum corporal expression of love towards the other person that is loved. It is to place a radiation of Positivity, it is to generate the positive.

The trance is the maximum expression of communication with the great Energy or Mother Energy where it is demonstrated to reach Her and generate love towards that universal power. It is to receive the Power. (Tantric Sex) A trance can only be someone very spiritual and that has a mind very rooted in bringing good, in helping people and peoples, in releasing suspended souls and it comes to produce a trance without needing to think about what is is doing, that is done if you have a well-constituted partner (love).
Sex in the human being is a caress and not an animal relationship, that is why it creates positivity and the woman without breastplate looks for that union of skin, that penetration of man in her body and many times without even moving it reaches a beautiful orgasm.
The so-called tantric sex is a demonstration of what occurs when there is true love and hardness is not necessary in man, but the union of skin and energy.

It would be very interesting to take the conversation to mention the importance of the excitement in the human being.
It is remarkable when we see in the general public how women who have all their sensitive points enabled and live a decent life live totally different from those who do not have that possibility. It exists as a dividing line and the biggest problem is that every time there is more of one side than the other and I refer to the negative side, the one that has more problems.
I already talked about the importance of the exitcion and what it means but you have to know very well what it means.
Having orgasms is something very positive and much more positive is having excitement, but sexologists recommend sex without knowing the consequences when they are made with unstable or temporary partners.
Always remember that Love overcomes everything and everything can.
No woman is big by itself, but by being in a compatible couple.
Generate positivity
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