It is a magical place where you can feel all the peace of the jungle.
The energy that exists in this place is indescribable.
The facilities are the best, a spectacular cozy place with a saltwater pool that has no equal.
Jenny always makes you feel at home.
If you want to live a totally exclusive experience you must visit this beautiful place.
See you soon energy Tulum! - Alex Tulum

de Chile, tengo 33 años y me encantaría participar en tu gran proyecto de sanacion y limpieza espiritual...amo la

forma en que lo realizas, me he conectado los días domingos a tus sesiones de limpieza y carga de energía espiritual y sexual.de verdad quedo cargado de energía positiva..y desde q me conecto mi vida ha cambiado..a conexión mente y cuerpo es increíble..y hace q atraigas muchas cosas buenas y positivas a tu vida...eres una de las personas más importantes que he conocido en mi

vida...de verdad Gracias Infinitas...eres un ser muy especial...agradecido eternamente un seguidor de años...un abrazo yte quiero mucho.

When I was young and knew very little, I thought myself a genius; now that I'm old and know one or two things, I realize myself a fool. Well, perhaps not a complete fool, because if I were really that I doubt I would have evolved to the point where I understand there is one hell of a lot to learn and that I haven't begun to scratch the surface. Something I have learned is that I learn nothing new while telling others the things I think I know, but I do often learn new stuff, for good or bad, when I listen to others tell me what they think they know. And, to this end, I've been coming here for ten years to listen to a woman young enough to be my granddaughter expound on subjects that great minds have struggled with since time began; and she does this, admittedly, without reference to the books those great minds have authored. And she never ceases to amaze me with her facility, versatility and ability to get to the heart of the matter without the bullshit. And although I may not agree with all that she says (for example, I can't share her enthusiasm for the musings of Elon Musk), I admire her sagacity, quick wit and sense of fun. And, to top it off, she sure ain't hard to look at. The best $1.66 per day I've ever invested. - James - Miami TV

"I can't honestly say that the new site has brought more energy into my life, because my spirit has already been filled, and refilled, to its brim during the magical almost-ten years you have been in my life. I've attempted to sum up my feelings, here goes: “I literally thrive on the positive energy I receive from Jenny. With her every appearance on the stage of both my sight and imagination (besides her obvious physical beauty) she reveals the inspired vision of her keen intellect, her genuine compassion for all things both living and departed, her quick wit and infectious smile, and a playful sensuality that never fails to revive sublime memories of past romances. There are people who light up a room when they enter it, Jenny lights up my universe whenever she enters my thoughts, a place I try always to keep her, along with those things most precious to me. Jenny Scordamaglia's gift of positive energy – I would not think to leave home without it, you shouldn't either.”

"Hola Jenny buenas tardes querida. Muchas muchas gracias por mas una sesion energética increible y fantástica. Recibir está energia que usted emanas és indescriptible. Jenny mi amor usted és una persona muy iluminada y me encanta mucho tu forma natural de vivir.Mi encanta mucho lá forma natural que vivir desnuda. Jenny usted és una mujer que adelantada del su tiempo. Porque vimos em una sociedade muy conservadora ,sexista y plena del prejuicios.. No hay palabras para agradecerte por mas este momiento mágico que usted nos proporcionó. Muitíssima gracias mi Diosa de la energia positiva" - Tarcisio - Brasil
"It struck me, while viewing the latest group of energy sessions, how I was privileged to be participating in a spiritually enriching and soulfully empowering experience; a rite of passage, so to speak, into an age of modern ritual. I find my spirit truly elevated by the positive energy that is emanated here...much like the transformative power of fine music, it instills in me a sense of peace and harmony...harmony, even, perhaps, with the infinite. And that, in an old skeptic like me, is quite something, indeed" Thank you. - James
"Thank you for all that you have done for me. You have seriously changed my life for the better!"
" As You Are Our Angel Who Tells us what is Right & what is Wrong & Teach & Guide us to go in the Right Path"
"history will remember you as the one that started the change"
"Eres un angel guardian para nosotros los mortales"
"Thank you, Jenny, for all the Positive Energy you have been emanating towards me. My life and my family’s life has been changed for the better. This is my testimony of how your positive energy worked for me: A couple Sundays ago while sitting at my desk I felt your positive energy presences through and around me and I openly accepted. During the week, I felt different, much happier and calmer. Little did I know how much your energy has impacted my life. I had done a routine blood test prior and The Dr said that my PAS level was 5.1 and I was considered a high risk for prostate cancer. My doctor desperately wanted me to come in and do a biopsy. Even though I was not part of the seminar that day, I know I felt your energy emanating towards me so, out of my own curiosity after we spoke, I convinced my doctor to retake the blood test. The result came back, and my PSA level had dropped way below the norm for my age and cultural background. It went down to (3.0) in less than a month. No need for a biopsy anymore. Your positive energy focused towards me resulted in my success over my underline illness and most importantly my happiness. I will always be grateful, and I will always keep my mind and body open to receive your gift where ever I might venture" - Felix 
"Testimony: Thank you so much Jenny. With your beautiful smile and the positive energy you radiate through your shows, you've helped me conquer porn and drug addition. Please keep on being you. Once again, thank you so much" -Charles

"hola Jenny, estoy que no quepo en mi de alegría, me acaba de llamar mi hermana, que viene del oncólogo de mirarse aquellos dos nuevos tumores que le habían salido en los huesos uno en el cráneo y otro en la tercera vertebra lumbar y con solo la 1ª sesión de quimioterapia el del cráneo desapareció completamente y el de la tercera vertebra lumbar se redujo significativamente, tanto que ahora los los marcadores tumorales ya dan negativo, por lo que suspenden la quimioterapia y trataran lo que queda con una radioterapia ligera y reducida a la zona afectada y un tratamiento con calcio para regenerar la zona dañada. Los médicos no entienden lo que pasó ni como pudo reducirse tan rápidamente, ellos contaban con poner al menos 10 sesiones de quimioterapia. Yo si lo entiendo, tu energía positiva unida a la ley de la atracción. Si antes ya te debía gratitud ahora voy a necesitar 300 vidas para agradecerte"
"I was thinking about what the world would be like if millions of people watched Jenny Live. People would only have sex for love, women would respect themselves and not be fooled by guys’ BS, guys would respect women and not BS them, there would be far less porn and drugs because people wouldn’t do it. People would be more positive and have better marriages. I honestly think there would be less debt and less crime and more respect, and even less war. People would be more at peace and would learn to be thankful for what they have, their job and their family. People would have the confidence to start more businesses and love more. Who knows, maybe politicians would be honest! I just think the world would be a better place. If they just listened to you their life would be better. I mean, if I found a cure for drug addiction or porn addiction (which I have!) why in the world would I want to keep that a secret? That just doesn’t make any sense to me" - Lee

"Hello Jenny , u have a great impact on me bcos frm last month i have stop taking drugs when u were discussing on the topic of drugs it was not easy but it has been more than a month i have quit it but there i got a new addiction and thts u the more i see u i feel better but that is better thn drugs thanks for changing my life as i feel as i got a new life"
"Hi Jenny, Im Maya, from New Jersey. Im a big fan of you, you have changed my life and life of my family also.. We're from muslim family, and my Dad was against the freedom of women to an extend where one cant even decide what to wear what not to.. but ever since he started watching your show on Miami Tv, he get so obsessed with your show that now he gets happy when i dress like you.. i couldn't imagine roaming almost topless in my home and on beach.. but now i do, and im happy to see this change as he understands also that women dont need to hide themselves as God have made them beautiful. Love you for making a change in my life.. Xoxo.. "
"El otro día me preguntaron... ¿cual es la palabra más bonita a tu juicio? yo de momento no supe contestar se me ocurrían pocas y muy predecibles "gracias", "paz","felicidad" y cosas por el estilo. Pero luego viendo tu programa se me ocurrieron unas pocas más inspiradas en ti "empatía", "perdón", "filantropía", "diversión", "risa" pero sobre todo "AMOR" esta es por fin mi palabra favorita. Y tu me la inspiraste , porque eso es lo que tu inspiras con tu ejemplo, y es que constantemente ,nos das ejemplos de ello, yo creo que nos amas a todos; amas ala gente positiva, pero también a la negativa, perdonas a las personas y justificas su acción, como si se tratase de un hambriento que roba comida, este fin de semana trabajaste como una leona hasta quedarte sin voz, para divertirnos y sembrar positividad, y estoy seguro de que encima lo pasaste bien y te divertiste. Repartes AMOR donde quiera vas demostrando Amor a la humanidad entera (no, estoy mintiendo no a toda la humanidad solamente a toda la creación, ya sean animales, plantas o rocas). Estoy convencido de una cosa tu no estás hecha de energía como los demás tu estás hecha de AMOR.
" - España
"I've got some more good news for you!!! A day or two after I last emailed you I had a very good experience with the Positive Energy and your seminars. I was having sinus headaches and I could get the Energy to stop them but they would come back in an hour or so because the underlying cause was still there. I had an immense amount of sinus pressure in my head even after getting the pain to stop. So I decided that I would try to use the Energy to get better. I tried looking inside myself and gathering up as much Energy as I could and told it that I wanted the pressure to go away and the sinus condition to clear up. Jenny as soon as I got that Energy to go into my head where the problem was, it cleared up immediately!!!!! I have not had any more problems with it since. I have felt it try to come back but the Energy blocks it and it cannot! Jenny, this is wonderful. No more sinus headaches! "
"Super interesante y descubriendo nuevas formas de vida para vivir con calidad Un super Gracias y sobre todo la naturaleza que inspira verte saber que en esencia somos espirituales y tenemos que mantener ese principio de vida y dejar de lado lo material" 
"Hello Jenny , u have a great impact on me bcos frm last month i have stop taking drugs when u were discussing on the topic of drugs it was not easy but it has been more than a month i have quit it but there i got a new addiction and thts u the more i see u i feel better but that is better thn drugs thanks for changing my life as i feel as i got a new life"
Jenny Live & You Really helped Me A lot I Am Very Thankful To You for that - Jenny This is My Request Please Visit INDIA Once In This Year Or Coming Year "
"hellloooooooo jennyyyyy its lovely to see u always i m doing great u have changed my vision to see life.Now this world seems to be a better place to me than before thanks for all ur charm"
" Although I have “known” you for only a week you are already having a profound impact on my life. As you have opened your life to me I am reexamining my own, the way I judge people, my mistakes, my stupidity, regrets, and what I have done with my life. It’s an emotional journey and frightening to know that it might take me from my comfort zone. Sometimes my eyes fill with tears as long suppressed dreams, feelings and memories emerge. I am confronting myself, my past, my relationships, my habits and my attitudes and challenging myself to be more open, more honest, and a better person.
"Hola Jenny, mi nic nombre es ----y resido de Lima Peru, soy sexologa desde hace mas de 10 anos y asisto a todos los congresos internacionales. Veo con cierta continuidad tu programa porque me parece muy acertado el tratar algunos temas y la forma juvenil y simpatica que lo haces ya que dices cosas que nosotros no podemos decir. Mi nombre prefiero guardarlo en el anonimato y soy fiel escucha de tus palabras..."
Jenny Live & You Really helped Me A lot I Am Very Thankful To You for that - Jenny This is My Request Please Visit INDIA Once In This Year Or Coming Year "
"hellloooooooo jennyyyyy its lovely to see u always i m doing great u have changed my vision to see life.Now this world seems to be a better place to me than before thanks for all ur charm"
"I am trying to figure out why you are having such a dramatic impact on my life. I have thought about it a lot. Your honesty and transparency are forcing me to question a lot of things about my life. I am a smart person but when I hear you speak I realize I don’t know a lot about things that really matter. I have never known anyone like you and you don’t fit into any of my preconceived boxes (another one of my "Jenny goals" is to look at people as individuals, not as groups). But I think the reason you have impacted me so much is sometimes when you talk about things that matter like life and love, it is like a surgeon’s scalpel is cutting into my heart. I'm not saying you are mean; I'm just saying truth can be painful. It’s up to me to accept it or reject it. I didn’t realize it before but I have a lot of suppressed emotions and disappointments that I just sort of learned to live with. Now I am feeling emotions and regrets long buried in my heart. Sometimes when I watch you I start to cry. Or I will be driving to work and just start to cry just thinking about it. I never really cried much before. I had no idea this was going to happen, it took me by surprise"
"I have been addicted to porn for several years. I know your position on porn and I completely agree. So believe me I am not proud of it. For me porn was a release of frustration – like if I was starving and just ate whatever I could find – but in some ways it is a prison, but the good thing for me was there was no emotional attachment. One of my many "Jenny goals" is to stop watching porn. That will make me a better me. Since I became a member and started receiving the energy regularly, I have stopped watching it. I just stopped – I don’t know how else to say it. This is within only two weeks. I don't understand it. I actually tried to go back and watch but I just had to turn it off. In my mind I see you sitting there with that gorgeous smile of yours and I can’t watch it. In fact I am wondering why I ever watched it. I feel like the desire is just completely gone – vanished overnight. Does this make sense to you? If you know what is happening to me I would like to know. Maybe it’s a chemical in my brain or just a dream but I swear the only thing that has changed in my life is you"
"Just a few seconds in the emanation i felt a really nice feeling up in my chest!!! My heart felt so relaxed and nice!!! I could actually feel the energy that you were sending when you closed your eyes and held your hands out!!!!! It was amazing. I will attend the next seminar for sure. I want more of that energy!!!!! "
"Thank U thank U thank U soooooo much for not only interviewing sooooo many different people but Ur positive message. There R times when it all seems like too much: too much traffic; too many people; too many bad vibes; too much to do. But - somehow - U reassure us with Ur smile and beauty. I hope U continue to love life and inspire everyone who U touch with the wonder that is life"
"...It's not like you are a regular personality who just talks. You pour yourself out for others all the time. I don't think I can ever give back to you nearly what you have given to me, although I would like to think I could. I know you get tired of hearing it so much but you are awesome. You impact lives. That's awesome. "
"In short, Jenny, I have never known anyone like you. You are real; you approach life with an innocence and openness that is refreshing yet challenging. You drink from life’s river with enthusiasm and passion, determined not to miss anything that life offers. You make your own choices and don’t apologize for them because your motives are pure. You refuse to fit into anyone’s box.I could go on, and maybe I will another day. For now just know that you are gently making the world a better place by the lives you touch"
I must say this for the last one year I watched your show & I must admit it that Jenny Live has helped me a lot in my Personal Life in a Very Good way & I have myself changed a lot now I am feeling Very Happy & Proud about myself, So Thank U Very Very Much Jenny You Are An Angel So Special Full Of Positive Vibes & Positive Energy which is Simply Outstanding :) "
"Vemos tu show en compañia de varios amigos y amigas. Gracias por hacer un programa como el tuyo, es único e impresindible para mi, mi familia, y quienes esten con nosotros al momento de emitirse. Que alegria saber que contamos contigo para ver de una manera diferente nuestro paso por la tierra "
" I have some news for you that might put a smile on your face. Positive Energy is a VERY POWERFUL entity. I hope everyone uses it for good things. Positive Energy has really been taking good care of me!!! I have learned to use it for pain management. When I have a pain that has been annoying me for awhile I just look inside myself and find some Positive Energy and direct it to the pain and through it and the pain disappears instantly!!!! It's wonderful!!! I am so glad that you told me about Positive Energy! I have been almost pain free for about a month now. Only the pain that I haven't pointed the Energy to has bothered me and if it gets bad I just point the Positive Energy to the pain and It gets rid of the pain instantly!!!! "
"I found out something else ... I went to my doctor and he told me I had to quit eating so much and lose some weight. He said that it was very important that I do so else my heart wouldn't stand the strain of so much weight. He said that he knew that it would be hard for me because I don't have much left that I can enjoy. Only TV, my computer and my eating. Anyway I kind of got depressed because I wasn't going to be able to enjoy eating again. I found out that the Energy doesn't work good at all when you are depressed or at least not for me. I felt that maybe I could use the Energy to get to feeling up again and not so depressed so I asked the Energy to make me feel good again and to be happy and immediately I felt a good feeling coming over me and I could smile again. That is wonderful. Now I can use the Energy to stop pain again!! And get this, my wife came home from work the other day and said her legs were really hurting so I decided that it wouldn't hurt to try so I looked inside and gathered up as much Energy as I could and with my mind directed it to her backbone and on down into her legs. I didn't ask her for awhile how she was feeling but when I did she said the pain was nearly gone. I told her to thank her maker and the Energy for her relief and told her I would try again to remove all the pain. As I had just started sending her some of my Energy she exclaimed, "It's gone!!!!" Then after a while I asked her if it was still gone and she said yes but she had some pain in her ankles. I told her I would try to send her some Energy to get rid of that too. Same thing... As I had just started sending her some of my Energy she exclaimed, "The ankle pain's gone too!!!!" Jenny, this is wonderful!!!! She attended the next live seminar that you gave online and said that she enjoyed it very much. Jenny, I don't understand everything that is going on but I am deeply thankful to my Supreme Being, the Positive Energy, and to you for enlightenment. I would have never found this concept except for you!!! You have been a blessing in my life! "  " I am still learning the different uses for the Positive Energy. The other day my sister was talking on the phone to my wife and said that she had a terrible backache. She lives in Dothan, AL about 20 miles from here. I decided to see if Positive Energy could help her so I concentrated on gathering up as much as I could of it and directed it to a mental picture of my sister sitting in her living room and sent it into her upper backbone and little by little all the way down her back bone to her lower back and asked the Positive Energy to stop her pain. Before my wife got off the phone with her I asked my wife to ask her about her back pain. My sister said it was much better but she still had a small amount of it. So I went through the routine again about sending the Positive Energy to help her. I did this about two more times and the next morning she called and said her back pain was gone. !!! I use a lot of that Positive Energy, to help myself and to help others. I hope that you are going to have another live seminar soon as I get lots more Positive Energy out of a live seminar than I do a recording. "

Envianos tu Testimonio

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